Save money on your spring renovation

Are you planning to fix up your home this springtime? It’s a great time to do it as you can open the windows without freezing the place but the temperatures are also not too hot to work in. The trouble is that when a lot of people want to renovate at once, prices of materials can be higher. How can you make your renovation more affordable?

Get multiple quotes

While this may sound obvious, a lot of people get nervous about asking for quotes and go with the first one they get as long as it’s not too awful. Shop around! If you’ve already had a better quote, haggle, and make sure you know exactly what you’ll get for the quoted price.

Buy in bulk

If you’re working with a lot of the same basic material, like bricks, paint, timber and plasterboard, you can often save a lot of money by buying it as a job lot, even after accounting for the cost of renting a unit for storage to keep it in until you’re ready to use it.

Consider ex-display items

Did you know that you can make big savings by buying pieces of furniture that have been on display? Ask around at your local furniture warehouse. Soft furnishings are often the worse for wear after being tried out by customers but items like wardrobes and kitchen units can still be in great shape.

Reuse and trade materials

If you’re taking down old tiles or taking apart old shelving, can you use the materials elsewhere? This approach can save you a great deal and may work even if part of the material is damaged. Can’t use it yourself? Then go online and use swap sites to exchange it for something useful.

Be organised with waste

Getting rid of old materials that are in no condition to be recovered can be a big expense – especially if you do it bit by bit. Check your local council’s bulk uplift policy. Often there’s a flat fee for removing a set number of large items. Others can be broken up for disposal in bin bags.

Know your limits

Trying to make savings by doing it yourself? This is a great idea, and all the educational videos online mean it’s easy to get advice, but try to avoid being too ambitious. If you mess up, it could end up costing you more than getting somebody else to do the job in the first place.

Taking these simple things into account will help you to get through your renovation with a lot less expense – and potentially save you quite a bit of money along the way. The key is careful planning and attention to detail throughout. Don’t miss out on opportunities to save just because you’re in a hurry to get it over with. Renovating your home should be fun – for most people, that’s part of the point of doing it – and your efforts will all be worthwhile when you can sit back and enjoy the result.

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