How to Boost the Kerb Appeal of Your Property

They say that first impressions are the most lasting.

Consequently, when it comes to selling your home, it’s important to make sure the outer appearance of your property looks less Skid Row and more Millionaires’ Row.

According to research, it apparently takes potential buyers less than 10 seconds to decide whether or not they like a house, which is why the kerb appeal of your dwelling is so vital.

Whether you suffer from shopping trolleys littering your garden or a bush that’s in desperate need of a trim, sprucing up your home’s facade is a sure fire way to turn a deal breaker into a deal maker.

But how?

Bring In the Professionals

If you feel you’re too posh to wash and are more Kim Kardashian than Kim and Aggie, it may be a good idea to hire a specialist cleaning company to get your home’s outer spotlessness up to scratch.

From removing unsightly chewing gum from the pavement to eradicating offensive graffiti, the more you can do to improve a buyer’s walk from the kerb to your home the better.

Let Them See the Light

In order to let buyers see your home in a fantastic light, don’t be afraid to invest in plenty of illumination that enhances the look and feel of the property as they approach.

Keep it subtle, though, as blinding house hunters with stadia sized floodlights before they’ve even made it to the front door is a dependable way to have them scrambling back to the kerb in a hurry.

Clear the Pathway

In the lead up to your front door, a buyer does not want to be stepping over children’s toys, rusting car parts or mounds of dead leaves.

As a result, be sure to get the broom out before they arrive and sweep away anything that may block their path to the threshold.

Give the Front Door a Lick

Considering it’s one of the first things a potential buyer will set eyes on, it’s a great idea to give your front door a lick of eye-catching paint.

Property experts advise to go wild with colour, but if you feel a pink door will besmirch your 18th century cottage, play it safe and go for black or a deep plum colour.

Clean Your Windows

It may sound obvious, but make sure your windows are spotless. Why? Because if you can’t be bothered to keep your windows free from grime, potential buyers may be worried about other areas of your home.

This is obviously something you can take care of yourself – or you can hire a window cleaner to come round once a week to help ensure your panes are sparkling.

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