How to Give Your Rental Property a Facelift

Tenancies can start to seem fleeting through the eyes of a seasoned landlord, but it’s important to remember that your prospective tenants are looking for their next home, so they will apply the same critical eye as any buyer would. If you want to get the best possible rental value from your property as well as helping to ensure that it never stands empty for long, follow these simple tips to spruce up your property without breaking the bank.

Start Outside

First impressions really do count, so it’s important for your property to look great on the outside if you want to ensure that visitors are greeted with a pleasing first glimpse. If your property has a front garden, spend some time mowing the lawn and clearing away any weeds or rubbish that may have collected there during your last tenancy. Consider giving the window ledges, front door and garage a new coat of paint to keep them looking tidy and well cared for, make sure any rubbish bins are discreetly tucked away and keep your gate well-oiled so that it swings open freely.

Have a Deep Clean

When it’s done properly, thorough cleaning can have a truly transformative effect on the look and smell of your property. Regardless of how fastidious your last tenants may have been, packing up and moving can be a dirty business so it’s not uncommon for a fresh layer of dust to settle after they’ve gone. Store bought cleaning products can have hefty price tags that soon add up, but there are lots of effective alternatives that are both cheaper and more environmentally friendly than harsh chemicals. Do a little research and you’ll be amazed at the cleaning potential of white vinegar and lemon juice…

Take the Chance to Upgrade

The period between tenancies can prove to be the perfect opportunity to review the permanent features of your property and consider whether or not the time has come to replace anything that is past its best. Things like the carpet and blinds can have a dramatic impact, and a lick of paint is always a good idea to give you a blank canvas and a fresh start. Making sure everything is in good condition at the start of a tenancy can also make life easier when it comes to assessing any damage in the future, so it can have bonus benefits down the line too.

Focus on the Bathroom and Kitchen

The bathroom and kitchen are said to be the biggest make-or-break rooms in any property, and they can be the difference that tips the balance one way or another. A brand new bathroom or kitchen is a major investment that won’t necessarily make the best financial sense for your rental property, but it is always worth paying extra attention to the cleaning and repairs in these areas to ensure that you make the best of what you’ve got. Updating old fashioned cupboard handles and tackling the lime scale on the shower can go a long way to improving the appeal of these key rooms.

This post was written by John Vicars, an estate agent who has seen the impact that a few simple changes can have on a property. When landlords are looking for advice and tips, he recommends CIA Insurance as experts in the field.

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