Are you aware of Commercial EPC regulations

The commercial EPC legislation came into force on April 2008 and now the large majority of commercial properties require a Commercial Energy Performance Certificate before marketing of the property can legally commence.

Whereas the domestic equivalent do vary slightly they are generally under a £100; whereas the commercial EPC is generally £350 and upwards and very much dependant on the individual property. The similarity between commercial and domestic energy performance certificates names can give people an impression they will be similarly priced. The difference in cost is due to the much increased time and expertise required to produce the commercial EPC both on-site and off-site.

It does seem as if the domestic EPC has been largely accepted and are being routinely commisioned. However, is this the case for commercial EPCs?

From conversations with commercial energy assessors, industry professionals and individual property owners the awareness and attitude towards gaining a commercial energy performance certificate has ranged quite dramatically.

We have encountered and become aware of:

  • many whom are completely unaware of the legislation in regard to commercial EPCs
  • people who have been a little suprised about the cost, the time and effort required for production but have met their legal obligations.
  • agents, solicitors and commercial property owners who have contacted and instructed us at the point of exchange of contracts
  • some people have even stated that they have no intention of commisoning one and risk the substantial fines and related consequences

The awareness campaigns that the CLG have undertaken in regard to the Commercial EPC regulations do not seem to have been widely successful in transferring the information to the people who are  required to have a commercial EPC in place prior to marketing commencing.

It does seem that many people/businesses do not have a commercial EPC in place for the marketing of the property and in many cases are being informed of the requirement by the solicitor acting on behalf of the client. This is often when a deal has been agreed and the exchange of contracts is ready to take place.

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