Retrofitting homes in London is a pipe dream without proper support

October 6th, 2023 Posted in Home Improvements, Housing Policy, Landlords, Property Developers Comments Off on Retrofitting homes in London is a pipe dream without proper support

The Mayor of London has an ambitious target to make London a zero carbon city by 2030. One of the ways to meet this goal is to decarbonise all of London’s 3.5 million homes by upgrading and retrofitting – improving existing homes for high energy efficiency.

The London Assembly Housing Committee has been investigating the operational, financial and physical challenges of retrofitting in London. The Committee has also investigated the energy efficiency initiatives already established by the Mayor.

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Top tips to help secure your end of tenancy deposit

October 26th, 2020 Posted in Home Improvements, Landlords, Tenants Comments Off on Top tips to help secure your end of tenancy deposit

The number one reason for landlord and tenant deposit disputes is cleaning. Currys PC World asked Lynsey Crombie aka the ‘Queen of Clean’ for her top cleaning tips that could help you secure getting that end of tenancy deposit back that no one wants to lose out on.

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Tips on How Landlords Can Manage Their Expenses

January 20th, 2020 Posted in Financial Products, Landlords, Property Market Comments Off on Tips on How Landlords Can Manage Their Expenses

To the uninitiated, buying property with a view to letting it out can seem like a very easy way to make money, but like most things in life, when you take a closer look it is rather more complicated.  Being a landlord is an excellent way to generate a regular income and has the bonus that the rental property will always increase in value, however, it is not money for nothing. 

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Another nail in the coffin for social housing

January 5th, 2016 Posted in Landlords, Property Developers, Property Market 1 Comment »

Caroline Lucas, the Green Party’s MP for Brighton Pavilion, will vote against the Housing and Planning Bill later today.

Lucas, who tabled a reasoned amendment to the Bill at Second Reading, has labelled the legislation as ‘another nail in the coffin for British social housing’. She will speak later today at a rally organised by Defend Council Housing.

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What it means when you serve an eviction notice

July 3rd, 2015 Posted in Landlords, Rental Market Comments Off on What it means when you serve an eviction notice


The life of a landlord is not just collecting the rent at the end of every month with no problems. Sometimes you can run into difficulties with your tenants that are unresolvable and you are faced with having to serve them an eviction notice. There are many rules that you must follow as a landlord to avoid being accused of an illegal eviction or harassment. The last thing you want is to step out of line and have to deal with a legal battle. Let us help you reclaim your property within the rules of the law.

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How to deal with landlord harassment

November 24th, 2014 Posted in Landlords, Rental Market Comments Off on How to deal with landlord harassment

Sometimes relationships go wrong. Whether it is a personal relationship, a friendship or a communication breakdown with your landlord, a sour relationship can be very stressful to deal with. As a tenant you need to know what your rights are when dealing with harassment from your landlord. There are a series of hoops you have to jump through and processes you have to follow to make sure you deal with landlord harassment correctly. Below you will find some of the top tips for coping with this situation.

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Tenants installing items in home without permission

October 9th, 2014 Posted in Landlords, Rental Market Comments Off on Tenants installing items in home without permission

When you own a property, you have tenants and you have clearly outlined the ‘rules’ in a tenancy agreement with them, it can be very frustrating when they decide to install items in your home without your permission. Depending on what they decide to install, it can wind up costing you money later if you don’t address the problem when it arises. Here are some top tips to dealing with this type of situation.

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How to increase the rent on your property

August 27th, 2014 Posted in Landlords, Rental Market Comments Off on How to increase the rent on your property

It is understandable that over time the rent on your property may need to be increased. With the rise in property prices and inflation, you may have to increase the price of your home even if you have had the same tenants for years. This news can be difficult for any tenant to swallow and it is very important that you follow the rules to ensure a smooth transition to the higher rate. This blog gives you some advice on the steps to take to increase the rent on your property/ies.

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Common problems for landlords

June 25th, 2014 Posted in Landlords Comments Off on Common problems for landlords

As with anything, when you are prepared for the problem, it is easier to deal with. As a landlord, there will be many occasions when you are faced with a situation that you have to cope with. Preparation can ease the blow of these issues quite significantly.

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Should I Manage My Property or Hire a Manager?

February 24th, 2014 Posted in Landlords, Rental Market Comments Off on Should I Manage My Property or Hire a Manager?

Looking after your property when you don’t actually live in the building can be time-consuming and difficult, especially when you don’t live near the home. Whether you have a beachside home in Cornwall or a townhouse in a city centre that is rented out to businessmen visiting for long term leases, you need to set up a way for the home to be managed. Making the choice as to whether you have the time to commit to managing your home or whether you want to hire a company to do it for you usually comes down to money.

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Checklist for new tenants. Act now to protect yourself when you leave.

August 19th, 2013 Posted in Landlords, Rental Market Comments Off on Checklist for new tenants. Act now to protect yourself when you leave.

When you move into your new apartment or house you need to make sure you protect yourself from the beginning to avoid additional charges later when you decide to move on. By following some of the guidelines below you will avoid losing your deposit for previous damage to the property when you leave and will avoid paying for updates that are the responsibility of the landlord.

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