Beginners guide on growing plants in a small pond

July 26th, 2023 Posted in Gardens, Home Improvements Comments Off on Beginners guide on growing plants in a small pond

Plants are an integral part of our lives. Houseplants are common and much known. However, for people who have some extra feet in your house, you can plan to build a small pond to grow plants. This will aesthetically add to your home’s beauty and provide potential health benefits.

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5 Ways to Improve the Look and Feel of Your Garden

July 1st, 2014 Posted in Gardens, Home Improvements Comments Off on 5 Ways to Improve the Look and Feel of Your Garden

During the summer we love to spend as much time as we can in our gardens but this may not be the case if your garden lacks that little bit of wow factor. There are many tips and tricks that you can use to help improve the look and feel of your garden ranging from the very big to the small and inexpensive.

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5 Step Guide to Creating Summer Garden Envy

May 19th, 2014 Posted in Gardens, Home Improvements Comments Off on 5 Step Guide to Creating Summer Garden Envy

As the sun beams down during the warm summer months, what better way to pass the time than by being out in your garden with friends and family? Relaxing, having a few drinks and ultimately enjoying each other’s company is the perfect way to celebrate the good weather, but what happens if your outside space is letting you down.

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