Beginners guide on growing plants in a small pond

Plants are an integral part of our lives. Houseplants are common and much known. However, for people who have some extra feet in your house, you can plan to build a small pond to grow plants. This will aesthetically add to your home’s beauty and provide potential health benefits.

Pond plants aren’t limited to a certain length. They flourish the aquatic lives living in the water and provide them with oxygen-enriched water. It creates a better environment with green plants surrounding your home area. Pond plants create an amicable environment and enrich the overall outlook. They are visually appealing and beautiful. Colorful flowers on the pond ass the best expression and enhance your water garden with their magic. They also make your surroundings serene.

Pond plants are not for the faint-hearted

However, it is important to remember that planting in ponds isn’t an easy task. They need to be adaptable to that environment. Selecting a plant that adapts to that environment is extremely important. A proper pond plant is crucial for its survival and to elevate your environment too. It should increase the pond’s natural balance and not cause harm to the living species and itself. Researching proper suitable plants is essential.

When to nurture a pond plant?

Aquatic plants mainly thrive in summer and spring. They benefit from warmth as they are submerged in the water. Pond plants require more sunlight than regular plants for better health and wellness. Since they need summer to grow, you can plant them in winter or even autumn. This gives the plants the time to grow enough to start their photosynthesis till its summer.

How to grow a pond plant?

  1. Fill a bucket with water from your pond and place the plant buds or the sapling in it. It helps in keeping the plants moist and preventing the roots dry out. It also makes the plant used to the pond water and adapts to it.
  2. Prepare a soil mix of your pond and add some gravel to it. Water plants don’t require much nutrient-rich soil, unlike garden ones. So even if your soil isn’t fertile, it’s okay. The mixture should be thick as it is, going to weigh them from floating.
  3. Get a shallow tray with the mixture poured to cover about 2/3 of it. Make it damp, leaving no air pockets.
  4. Take out your plant from the bucket and place it on your tray. Cover its roots with the soil tightly, leaving no space.
  5. Now, place your tray of plants in the pond. If the area of planting isn’t far, then you can do it by hand. If the planting area is deep, you can lower the tray with a string, and scoop out the soil mixture with the plant and let it settle.

By doing these steps precisely, you can nurture your pond plants very efficiently.

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