Roof Maintenance: How often and tips to avoid huge costs

Roof maintenance can be expensive and for many homeowners, it is a job they would rather not deal with due to the financial impact. Your roof doesn’t always have to be a monetary headache especially if you know what to look for, you conduct regular check-ups and you keep on top of your house insurance.

Follow some of the simple guidelines below to make sure you have done all you can to cover yourself and relieve your fears of roof upkeep.

Regular inspections: what to look for

It is recommended that you inspect your roof for damages every 6 months to ensure you are on top of any immediate issues. The last thing you want is for a smaller, less expensive problem to develop due to lack of inspection. A good time to check is when you are cleaning your drains or gutters.

Damaged tiles

You need to keep your eye on missing or damaged tiles on your roof either by using binoculars to scan the roof from the ground or by climbing up to have a look. Replacing tiles is an easy job that either a hired professional can complete or yourself if you are confident enough.

Moss, fungus and algae

Keep a check on any growth of fungus, algae or moss as this can impact the health of your roof if left untreated. This is, again, a matter that can be dealt with by simply installing zinc of lead control strips. The nature of your growth will depend on the treatment but don’t let it get out of control.

Metal roofs

Metal is obviously subject to the possibility of rusting, an issue that can become detrimental to the long-term health of your roof if left to its own devices. If you do discover that metal parts of your roof are rusting it must be treated immediately. In most circumstance you can simply wire brush the metal, prime and paint with a protective coat.


Ensure that you seal up any cracks in your roof. This can sometime be easier to diagnose in the attic, as sunlight will shine through any crack. Cracks are more likely to accumulate near joints or chimneys and if left unattended, will only get bigger. The last thing you need is a big hole in your roof that affects the beams in the attic and the ceilings in your home.


If you notice any dark spots on your ceiling, dampness or mould it is likely you have a leak somewhere. There is one rule when it comes to leaks: they only get worse. You want to diagnose and fix any leaks as soon as possible to ensure you don’t get a huge financial hit.

Additional roof maintenance


Removing debris from your roof will help to minimize the chance of most of the issues above happening. Sticks, leaves and other rubble can damage roof tiles and aid the growth of algae. They can also clog drains and gutters causing additional problems. The easiest way to get rid of debris is by sweeping or blowing it off the roof.

Trim up

If you have a nearby tree that is hanging over your roof, it is a good idea to trim it back to avoid any unnecessary damage to your roof.

Pesky animals

Squirrels and wood pigeons can cause damage to your roof along with many other area specific animals. Keep your eye on any pecking or nibbling that may be causing your roof to deteriorate unusually fast.

Severe weather conditions

Even though severe weather is not likely in the UK, your roof can weaken if you get heavy snowfall or heavy rainfall. Make sure you inspect your roof after such occasions and take care when removing snow from your roof.


Make sure you regularly check your house insurance to make sure your roof is consistently covered by your policy. Insurance can be subject to change and you need to keep an eye on it so that if any huge costs do occur you can claim the money back.

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