The Green Deal: The Biggest Home Improvement Scheme Since WWII

The Green Deal UK is quickly starting to build momentum and has been said to be the biggest home improvement scheme since the Second World War. The government scheme aims to make properties more energy efficient without putting any financial strain on property owners. It seems too good to be true, right?! The Green Deal, however, has been carefully thought out and does offer a solution to the problem of properties being extremely wasteful, but property owners not being able to afford the necessary improvements to make them more environmentally friendly.

A unique financial angle has been taken with The Green Deal, which provides ‘Green Deal Loans’ that are attached to the property, not the person. Further, it is the golden rule of The Green Deal that the owner of a property will only ever pay the same as, or less than the money they would save on energy bills. It seems, then, that property owners really have nothing to lose.

It is a solemn fact that, at the moment, UK homes and other buildings are releasing a shocking amount of carbon emissions. This is due to factors such as inefficient boilers, a lack of double glazing and poor insulation. The problem is particularly bad in rural parts of the country, where houses are old, big and draughty! With the use of Green Deal Assessors, each property owner will be advised on their property’s individual needs. If, for example, they have a wasteful boiler that costs a lot to run, they will be provided with a Green Deal boiler which will have been advised as the most efficient for their home or building.

These really are vital measures to be taken; fuel poverty is ever growing across the UK with 5.4 million homes being under heated and poorly lit. People simply cannot afford to maintain such wasteful means of making their home a pleasant place to live. With Uk winters being generally cold and miserable,The Green Deal should alleviate some of the stress falling on home owners across the country. One measure that should make a huge difference will be the simple but effective installation of good quality insulation.

Insulation is a method used to trap heat that would otherwise escape from a property so, as you can imagine, is a source of an immense waste of money and energy when not done right. The Green Deal will provide proper insulation, which is quick and easy to do, and in turn make properties much easier to heat.

Not only will The Green Deal significantly help the environment, and make homes more comfortable to live in, but it has also been claimed that it will provide jobs for many across all sorts of different labour forces. So, what at first seems like a home-improvement scheme actually reveals itself to be an incredibly valuable project that will do go some of the way in alleviating the UK’s environmental and financial problems. The UK has a 2050 carbon emissions target, which finally seems entirely feasible with this innovative new scheme.

By India Johnson

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