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14th December 2007 - HIPs could be improved by mandatory Home Condition Reports

Making Home Condition Reports a mandatory requirement of Home Information Packs (HIPs) would be a significant improvement to the controversial documents, it has been claimed.

According to HIP company Hip Hip Hooray, making the condition report a required element would also improve other aspects of the pack, such as the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC).

Lesley Sorridimi, from the firm, revealed that such changes would make the packs much better for consumers.

She said: "Consumers will only see a really tremendous difference when the Home Condition Report is made a mandatory part of the Hip.

"The HIP is only a third of the document that it could be since the Home Condition Report has been left out of it.

"Most consumers will look at a search and the title deeds and not understand them, but when it comes to looking at the condition of a property, that is what consumers understand. This is a consumer's concern," she added.

(UK Property News)

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